Mathematical model of the dimensions and mass characteristics liquid propellant rocket thrusters

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Zagornyan S. S.*, Kozlov A. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Liquid propellant rocket thrusters (LPRT) are the executive bodies of spacecraft reactive control system. Modern liquid propellant rocket thrusters have a relatively small value of required thrusts 0.01 — 1600 N, which is explained by small level perturbations acting on the spacecraft in free flight and operating at pressures in the chamber Pa, which corresponds to the minimum total weight of the propulsion system, and advantageously in a pulsed mode with a huge number of short inclusions (105 — 106). Power supply LPRT is carried out mainly from the pressure feed system (PFS) the fuel.
To control spacecraft propulsion by pair of force on three axes is necessary 12 engines, however, actually it can be from 8 to 40 intravehicular.
To assess the design perfection liquid rocket propulsion system energy-mass characteristics are used. They are important in choosing optimum parameters of spacecraft, propulsion systems and their separate aggregates.
One of the possible ways to improve the mass-energy characteristics of LPRT and total propulsion system is to increase the pressure in the combustion chamber, whereby there are the decreases in weight and size, the increase in specific impulse and an opportunity increase the degree of expansion of liquid propellant rocket thrusters nozzle.
Article is devoted justification necessity of the account the dimensions and mass characteristics liquid propellant rocket thrusters for reactive control system in the design phase, developing a mathematical model dimensions and mass characteristics of liquid propellant rocket thrusters operating on propellants nitrogen tetroxide and unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine with thrust 200-1500 H and operating pressure 1-4 MPa.
The article provides a comparison of the computational model with data from a real engine, developed at the Department of MAI 202 «Rocket engines» laboratory «Liquid propellant rocket thrusters ». In the article satisfactory convergence of the comparison results is given. It is planned adjustments model and its further application for a different kind of fuel with a wider range thrusts and pressures.


liquid propellant rocket thrusters, the mathematical model, dimensions and mass characteristics, increased pressure in the combustion chamber


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