The improvement of turbine engine compressor blades die tooling manufacturing quality

Theoretical engineering. Mechanical engineering
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Here we examine the problems related to update the technological process of die tooling manufacturing for section extruding in the process of production of gas turbine engine compressor blades.
As far as specialists [1, 2] are concerned the factory labour hours of producing the gas turbine engine compressor blades are reaching nearly 30% of factory labour hours of producing the whole engine.
At the present moment different manufacturing technologies are applied in producing the gas turbine engine compressor blades, which are based on three methods of blade airfoil shaping. They are rolling, milling and electro- erosion machining.
All these technologies have their advantages and disadvantages [3].
In this project the authors examine the airfoil shaping blade manufacturing using cold rolling (for blades, which were made of titanium alloy and heat resistant steal). The main attention is drawn to raw material manufacturing by die tooling.
First of all some milling processes regarding semimatrix were changed from universal equipment to CNC.
To increase accuracy of blade locking piece manufacturing the semimatrixes there were held the experimental works on tolerance value of main semimatrix material and hard alloy insert.
For reaching definite manufacturing of fillet places and hard alloy insert transition to the main semimatrix material the electro-erosion machining was carried out in several operating steps.
The number of processing datum surfaces was reduced by using of the special equipment. New processing datum surfaces have become common for electrode CNC milling and for burning pieces on the spark-erosion equipment.
Some parts of inspection operation were replaced by digit instrumentation.
The authors have carried out in JSC «Moscow Machine Building Enterprise named after V.V.Chernyshev» procedures to meet the improvement of wear resistance of die tooling through implementation constructional and technological procedures without using the special processing work surfaces, thereby reducing the complexity of its manufacturing.
The suggested procedures may be used both for the new tooling and modernization of the existing one.
section extruding, electro-erosion machining, profile extrusion, CNC millingReferences
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