Assembling of multi-purpose space large scale laser system based on the cw chemical HF(DF) laser onboard

Space technologies
*, 1**, 2***, 2****, 11. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, 1, Burdenko str., Khimki, 141400, Russia
The structural scheme of the spacecraft (SC) with the multi-purpose space large scale laser system (MPSBLSLS) onboard placed in an unpressurized compartment of a non-refundable SC (target module) with 180 days lifetime on earth orbit was developed. The estimation of weight and size characteristics of SC own systems was carried out. Weight and size characteristics are defined and implemented in the layout of the compartments of the target module spacecraft components MPSBLSLS such as systems of periodical-impulse generation of radiation, storage and supply of fuel components of the laser forming optical systems and laser ranging.
The general assembling scheme of the SC is shown. It is shown that SC with the MPSBLSLS (based on the cw chemical HF(DF) laser) onboard with weight of ~19700 kg can be locate under a “standard” aerodynamic panel of the carrier rocket “Proton-M” that allows to put it into the orbit of artificial satellite of the earth. Thus the total duration of MPSBLSLS will 30 minutes at necessary time of impact for space debris ~ 1 s pulse-periodic mode of radiation on HF molecules with pulse energy of 0,8 J and 180 minutes in a radiation mode on DF molecules with a pulse energy on the right vibrational- rotational transitions ~ 5 µJ. If it is necessary MPSBLSLS can be refueled by supply spacecraft with reserve component of the laser fuel. In this case the total duration of the MKLU mode radiation will increase about 2.5 times.
space-based laser system, cw chemical HF laser, space debris, monitoring of the ground atmosph, launch vehicle, layoutReferences
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