Study on thermal shields characteristics of aeroelastic braking devises of reentry vehicles descent into the planets atmosphere

Space technologies
1*, 2**, ***, 21. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
Aerothermodynamics investigations of perspective atmosphere descent vehicles (DV) are the main point of interest of Russian and foreign scientists, who have deal with design of modern space technologies. In these descent vehicles the aerodynamic and thermal protective shields made to the shape of aeroelastic constructions in part or in whole, and in particular made to the shape of hermetic gas pressurized shells are used for effectiveness deceleration.
The one from the main projects realizations problems of such DV with ballute is creation of thermal protective system for ballute shells forming frontal aerodynamic shield (FAS). In comparison with thermal shields of hard structure the peculiarity and main advantages of FAS are the possibility to pack ballute in well-knit capacity size during the transportation of DV with ballute under the launch vehicle fairing and on the board of spacecraft.
It is reasonable to use complex mathematical description of all processes going with vehicle atmospherically movement at all regimes of gas flow for operating aerothermodynamics calculation of DV with ballute during the reentry and for solution to main target — determination of structural characteristics of flexible thermal protective cover of frontal area.
This paper presents the short description of such complex mathematical model, directions to applied numerical methods of solution to model integrated parts, and some results of parametrical calculations of reentry main aerothermodynamical characteristics of chosen DV with ballute design having different ballistic parameters of atmospheric entry — vehicle and angle.
lander, inflatable braking device, a thermal barrier coating, trajectory, ablative materialsReferences
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