The analysis of one spacecraft flight profile for Sun exploration

Space technologies


Konstantinov M. S.*, Min T. **

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Analysis of the flight scheme (Earth — Earth — Venus — Venus — Venus — Venus — Venus) for the spacecraft injection into the system of working heliocentric orbits with low perihelion and large inclination.
The optimization problem for the heliocentric trajectory Earth — Earth — Venus using deep space maneuver and gravity assists from Earth and Venus with a predetermined value of the hyperbolic excess velocity after Venus approach is formulated as an unconstrained minimization problem. Active set method and sequential quadratic programming method are used to minimize the objective function.
The analysis of the flight scheme (Earth — Earth — Venus — Venus — Venus — Venus-Venus) for SC injection into the system of working heliocentric orbits with low perihelion and large inclination with deep space maneuver on the Earth — Earth heliocentric trajectory.
The characteristics of spacecraft trajectory into the system of working heliocentric orbits using «Soyuz-2 launcher», the chemical upper stage «Fregat», and liquid rocket propulsion system with a specific impulse of 310 seconds are obtained. The mass estimations of the spacecraft are presented.
The development of space research programs with using the heliocentric trajectories. For example, it can be used for study on inner heliosphere of the Sun from close distances and positions of outer ecliptic plane.
The one flight scheme of space mission to study the Sun using a system of working five heliocentric orbits is presented. It is not intended to use main propulsion on these orbits. The transfer from one orbit to another orbit is carried out by gravity assist at Venus.
Heliocentric trajectory of Earth — Earth is realized with one deep space maneuver. Gravity-assist maneuver near the Earth is implemented in such way that the spacecraft transfers without the running engine from Earth to Venus and the first gravity assist from Venus is carried out.
Analysis shows that the considered transport system which is based on the «Soyuz-2», the chemical upper stage «Fregat» and liquid rocket propulsion allows to insert the spacecraft into the system of working heliocentric orbits with relatively large mass of spacecraft to study the Sun.


spacecraft, Sun exploration, flight scheme, gravity assist trajectory, heliocentric orbits, pulse rate


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