Nonlinear heat conduction problem for a thin shell

Space technologies
Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia
One of the main tests of RST (rocket and space technology items) is the test of their resistance to pyrotechnic shock loads (actuation of pyrolocks, pyrovalves, etc). Shock loads from pyrotechnic devices are characterized by a broad range of frequencies and amplitudes. This shock loads can’t lead to the entire structural failure, but can dactivate electronic components which are widely used in modern spacecraft and launch vehicles. As a result shock experiment testing is very important for the designers. Testing of RST items in accordance with reliability requirements and state standards determine the necessary maximum similarity between real and prototype shock loads. One of the most important tasks is the construction of shock test machines that are capable to reproduce the normalized load in case of shock response spectrum. Shock test machines can’t be used in the testing of large-scale models. It is explained by the fact that source of shock loads are mounted in different points of structures. In order to meet industrial specifications or industrial space requirements it is necessary to develop mobile devices that can produce the required loads. Therefore mobile shock pulse generator which is capable to simulate the pyrotechnic shock loads on large-scale models was designed in the TSNIImash. This paper presents the techniques of modeling the effect of pyrobolt actuation on the launch vehicle fuel tank in plane of separation with the help of developed generator. Shock response spectrum was calculated and compared with the previous experimental data. Using the finite element package Abaqus (Explicit) numerical simulation of shock load impact on launch vehicle fuel tank was conducted. Numerical results show high coincidence in comparison with experimental data. The proposed method of calculation allows numerically choose the parameters of a mobile shock pulse generator to generate the required loading conditions. Developed generator and established methodology of numerical simulation make it possible to carry out qualification testing of structures without the use of standard pyrotechnic devices.
pyroshock measurement, pyrovalve, experimental pyroshock simulation, experimental development, numerical simulationReferences
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