Modeling the impact of powerful electromagnetic interference on aircraft’s electrotechnical complex

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics
1*, 2**, 2***1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
This paper analyzes types and sources of powerful electromagnetic interference (PEMI), affecting elements and systems of an aircraft’s electrotechnical complex (ETC), and describes a method for calculating the current flow through the braided shield of a cable, and the common mode voltage on inner conductors of a shielded cable, inside a wing made of composite material, at the impact of a lightning’s electrical field and the magnetic field of current flowing along the aircraft’s fuselage.
The calculations are performed in two steps. At the first step, the model calculates the impact on a shielded cable, located in wing of composite material, of a lightning’s electrical field and the magnetic field of a current of 200 kA, flowing along the aircraft’s fuselage, together with the current flowing through the braided shield of a cable, all using the MathCAD software package. At the second step, the model calculates the impact of current flowing through the braided shield on inner conductors of a shielded cable, along with the common mode voltage on inner conductors of a shielded cable, using the MATLAB software package. The calculation of the current flowing through a braided shield and of the common mode voltage on inner conductors of the shielded cable, performed for different braid types, show that the lightning’s electrical field and the magnetic field of the lightning’s current, flowing along the aircraft’s fuselage, induce a significant amount of electromagnetic interferences (EMI) on the inner conductors of shielded cable, located inside a wing of composite material, that can substantially deteriorate the ability of aircraft systems, cause the loss of operability of some elements or systems of the aircraft’s ETC, and trigger a situation of emergency.
Calculation results give the designer a possibility to guide the choice of braid types with regard to the amplitude of induced common mode voltage on the inner conductors of a shielded cable and to the mass requirements for braids, and shows the need for additional measures to protect element and systems of an aircraft’s ETC from the impact on shielded cables, located in a wing of composite material, of the lightning’s electrical field and of the magnetic field of the current flowing along the aircraft’s fuselage.
electrical wiring interconnection system, lightning, braided shield, jet, electromagnetic interference, electrotechnical complexReferences
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