Simulation by smoothed particle method of gas turbo engine holle fan blade foreign object damage

Aerospace propulsion engineering
*, **, ***Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia
Modern fan design for aviation big size gas turbine engines is supposed to use hollow wide-cord rotor blades. Hollow fan blade developing requires complex problem solution in the fields of aerodynamics, design, technology, vibration damping, fatigue resistance and operation damage durability. The article is devoted to the problem of turbo engine hollow fan blade resistance to foreign object damage.
The investigated hollow fan blade is a sheet welded structure with gofered filler. The blade airfoil is shaped and assembled with the method of super-plastic molding and pressure welding combination.
It is proposed the technique of numerical simulation of ballistic damage by stone of hollow fan blade. The technique is based on joint using of finite elements and smoothed particle method. Johnson & Cook model was used to describe high speed plastic behavior of blade titanium alloy under impact by stone.
There were numerically simulated several cases of ballistic damage of blade leading edge and airfoil shell by different size stone moving with speed 266-515 m/s. Damage geometric parameters, residual stress and stain fields were found as result of simulation.
Experimental modeling was executed to verify the calculation technique and results. Specimens of blade edge and airfoil were subjected to impact by granitic ball accelerated in gas gun up to velocity 400 m/s. To estimate residual strains at damage zone special net was wrote on the specimen. It was found good agreement of experimental and calculated data (damage size and residual strain).
The developed numerical simulation technique may be used for comparative analysis measures of blade foreign objects damage resistance improving.
fan blade, foreign object damage, finite elements method, smooched particles methodReferences
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