Multiphase cycloconverters with active power factor correction to ensure electromagnetic compatibility power supply systems for fully-electric aircraft

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics
*, **, ***Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The authors propose a new circuit solution for the design of multi-phase reversible frequency inverters for aviation applications with double-acting direct connection of cyclic converters with active correction of power factor for electromagnetic compatibility with power supply system of an aircraft owing to the high quality of current being consumed. It is assigned for use in the secondary power supplies of prospective aircraft with power-intensive, in particular, fully-electrified equipment.
Electronic frequency converters with direct connection (cyclic converters) carry out single conversion of electric power in both directions. They are applied in aviation, and other onboard transport autonomous power supply systems, but still have several drawbacks.
The authors propose a principally new circuit solution for creating an aviation cyclic converter free of the drawbacks. The main difference from similar (multiphase) circuits is that a function of the pulse modulator for power factor correction was added. The proposed circuit solution for the design of onboard aviation cyclic converters with active power factor correction and high quality input current (i.e. with good electromagnetic compatibility) allows:
- reduction ofthe smoothing output filter size;
- mitigation of requirements both for the value of transient reactance, and calculated power of aircraft onboard generator;
- essential increase of the power consumption factor compared to that in conventional thyristor cyclic converters;
- reduction of the voltage loss in the input wire connections and lowering their weight;
- relatively simple realization of switching synchronization with angular position of the rotor of electrically-driven motors without special position sensors.
cycloconverter; inverter; converter; PFC; power supplyReferences
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