Computer-aided solution to optimization problems in aerospace design engineering

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Presented work is focused on conditions determination for educing of informational «bottom-up» links in the process of aerospace engineering designing in integrated automated systems, and it is based on the following statements:
· the design process is considered as consistent stage-by-stage specification of the product under design;
· synthesis and analysis of decision-making at every level of detail are based on the use of mathematical models;
· models in use represent a common database of the automated design system made-up of a set of elementary information-related (in the limit — peer/scalar) models.
The specifics of «bottom-up» relations, for which identification this work is aimed, are what they can be determined only in the synthesis of decisions at lower levels. Moreover, they have «shimmering» character, i.e. they can appear and disappear depending on the solutions variant synthesized at these levels.
The main result is determinated properties and structure introduced in consideration of formal construction — «tandem model». It is defined as a set of various levels models, the main feature of which is the possibility to correct model of higher levels based on the calculations results for underlying models. Formal condition for tandem-like groups of elementary models used for synthesis and analysis of design solutions on i and j levels (i, —
It is shown that on the basis of the number of elementary models, forming the base of models of integrated automated system, the different tandem models can be defined. In such case the tandem model levels are formed according to the standard procedure of two-level models formation. The fact of formation of each of these models should be followed from the introduction into consideration variables in the process project details specification, while doing one or group of design operations.
The proposed representation of tandem models allows to quickly identify the presence of «bottom-up» links between levels of project details as a fact that at these levels the models are forming the tandem model. The existence of such relationships makes it necessary to have vertical coordination of the design decisions at different levels. The formal conditions of tandem-like models allow algorithmization of this procedure and control the vertical consistency of decisions made in the design of complex products of the aerospace industry.
tandem model, project specification, identification task, coordination of the design decisions, aerospace engineeringReferences
- Norenkov I.P. Osnovy avtomatizirovannogo proektirovanija (Bases of the computer aided designing), Moscow, MGTU, 2002, 336 p.
- Korjakin L.A., Padalko S.N. Nauchno-tehnicheskij vestnik Povolzh’ja, 2012,no.6,pp. 284 −288.