Development of an algorithm for obtaining and processing of spectral features air site for identification and selection of the moving targets

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Mayorov D. A.1*, Perehozhev V. A.1**, Shemyakov A. O.2***

1. Russian Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky, 2, Kotovskogo St., Smolensk, 214027, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



There are many scientific works about the problem of the moving air object spectral signs reception and processing. The range portrait is one of air object spectral signs. The special range portrait processing can assure the identification and moving target detection in the perspective frequency tuning radar. One known moving target detection method is based on special processing of air object complex frequency response characteristics and air object range portraits. The scientific purposes of this work are the development of the offers on realization of this moving target detection method for perspective frequency tuning radars and the development of the air object spectral signs reception and processing algorithm for identification and moving target detection.
As a result of the research, it was developed the air object spectral signs reception and processing algorithm for identification and moving target detection in the perspective frequency tuning radar. For its realization in circular review radar stations, the detection zone breaks on azimuthal and range channels. Probing signals represent sequence of packs pairs of frequency hopping signals with the repetition period between steams, equal to three packs duration. The law of frequency change for each pair of packs is distinguished but in pair it is identical, the period of impulses repetition changes from a three of pair packs to a three. Division of signals into frequency channels is offered to be spent by means of a set of strip filters. The decision on the presence of air object is accepted on the basis of processing results of each three steams of frequency hopping signals packs with in case the difference between three received estimations of speed does not exceed the established threshold. The air object azimuth is defined under number of the azimuthal channel in which there was an aerial normal at the moment of radiation of the second pair processed frequency hopping signals packs from three structures.


identification, range portrait, moving target detection, range rate, frequency hopping signal


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