Research of approaches to constructing sets of equivalent alternatives in aircraft radio equipment design process

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Il'in V. N.1*, Lepehin A. V.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Engineering company «Atomenergoproekt», 7, Bakuninskay St., Moscow, 105005, Russia



The aim of this research is to formulate guidelines on the use of different criteria of preference when forming a set of equivalent alternatives (Pareto set) depending on the capacity (size) of the initial set, the number of specific criteria, etc. for the creation of the Pareto set of minimal size.
We research the dependency of the Pareto set size on the size of the initial set of alternatives, the criteria of preference, the number of specific criteria and their distribution of random values. Because the values of these parameters in different tasks vary, the research was carried out on the basis of the statistical approach, covering a wide range of problem situations. To realize this approach, we proposed and implemented a statistical algorithm of forming a Pareto set from random values of the source data. The function under study was the dependency of the size and other parameters of the formed Pareto set on the size and other parameters of the initial set of alternatives.
A generic procedure of the preference criterion description was proposed, based on the predicate representation of the concept «better», which allows setting different criteria of preference algorithmically, with minimal modifications of the program code. The concept of the severity of the criterion of preference was introduced, a number of new criteria were formulated, and computer research of their effectiveness was carried out. The guidelines for using different criteria of preference in forming the Pareto set depending on the initial data were also formulated.
The results of this study may be used in electronic CAD Results in structural-parametric synthesis method based on the morphological box
The study revealed that different methods of Pareto set forming are not equally efficient in alternatives sifting, on the number of alternatives, number of specific criteria and their values distribution. Because of that for tasks with different initial data, it is recommended to choose the criteria of preference following the guidelines formulated in this study.


Pareto set; specific criteria; equivalent alternatives criteria of preference


  1. Elektronnyi zhurnal “Trudy MAI”, 2011, no.46, available at: (accessed 07.06.2011)
  2. Potemkin I.S. Metody poiska tekhnicheskikh resheni (Methods of finding technical solutions), Moscow, MEI, 1989, 62 p.

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