Influence of interphase convective heat exchange on dynamic characteristics of a two-phase turbulent jet

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Zuyev Y. V.*, Lepeshinskii I. A.**, Nikitin P. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Influence of interphase convective heat exchange on change of phases velocities in a two-phase turbulent jet are investigated.
As a research technique mathematical modeling is chosen. By means of mathematical model of a two-phase turbulent jet the calculations of jets with taking into account interphase heat exchange and without interphase heat exchange were made. As measure of an estimate of influence of heat exchange on change of velocity in a jet the distance from a nozzle is chosen on which velocity of gas on an axis of a jet is twice less than velocity in initial section of jet.
As a result of the calculations the quantitative data about influence of convective heat exchange between particles and gas phase on gas velocity in a two-phase jet depending on a volume concentration and the size of particles, and also temperature of phases in initial section of a jet are obtained.
When the volume concentration of particles is less than 10-4 interphase heat exchange has no influence on the change of the gas velocity in two-phase jet. The increase of initial temperature of phases leads to essential increase of an error of velocity calculations in a jet when conducting of which is not included interphase heat transfer, and this error increases with the increase of the volume concentration of particles (at initial temperature of phases 1500К and a volume concentration of particles 2×10-3 the error of definition of gas velocity could reach 200 %). Dependence of an error of gas speed calculation in a jet on the size and volume particles concentration at neglect interphase heat exchange are not monotonous — there were the maxima of this error corresponding to certain values of Stokes number and initial particles concentration.
The results can be used to develop mathematical models of two-phase jets (particularly jet of aircraft engines) in order to simplify these models.


two-phase jet, the mathematical model, convective heat transfer, velocities of phases


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