Mathematical models to calculate the mixture ratio of fuel components in the boundary layer of the combustion chamber of liquid rocket engine of small thrust

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Bogacheova D. Y.*, Borovik I. N.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



When protecting the combustion chamber walls liquid rocket engine of small thrust using the internal film cooling the boundary layer is formed between the core flow and the wall as a result of turbulent mixing. Temperature of gases in the boundary layer is lower than the temperature of the main flow and the mixture ratio of components in it is variably along the combustion chamber. For the calculation of the thermal state of the engine combustion chamber and nozzle (in particular, for the calculation of convective heat flow) we need to know the mixture ratio along the walls of the combustion chamber.
The phenomenon of turbulent mixing of gas flows in relation to the working process in rocket engine is studied not enough.
One of the main difficulties of calculation the turbulent mixing of gases is the lack of information on values of the turbulence in the rocket engine combustion chamber.
However, to carry out rough calculation of gas-phase mixing is possible.
In this paper, the results of calculations the ratio of the fuel components by one-dimensional engineering techniques [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and the results of three-dimensional modeling in ANSYS CFB are presented
The object of study is liquid rocket engine with thrust 200 N, operating on eco-friendly components CH4+O2.
Analysis of the results showed that, with appropriate adjustment, methods of calculation [4] and [5] are in good agreement with three-dimensional modeling.


liquid rocket engine of small thrust, film cooling, the mixture ratio of fuel components


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