Software application for force distribution and detailed strength analysis

Aviation technologies


Yashutin A. G.*, Surenskiy E. A.**

PJSC Yakovlev , 68, Leningradskiy prospect, Moscow, 125315, Russia



This paper provides a brief description of the software application designed for detailed strength analysis. Department of Development of algorithms and programs of Stress Division, which is a part of engineering department of IRKUT CORPORATION, has been developed this program for several years. This application is designed to reduce the time required to perform detailed strength calculations of the standard airframe construction.
To date, the regular part of the airframe MC-21-300 (about 60% of all construction) is automatically analyzed using software application by engineering methods. Reports are automatically generates for all calculations.
All calculations are based on a global finite-elements model of a plane, which is a maindata sources for strength analysis.
For the moment the application includes the following modules of the detailed analysis, which were developed in the department of Development of algorithms and programs of Strength Division.
FrameStrength is a detailed strength analysis of the frames. Analysis is carried out by engineering methods based on the guide for engineering TsAGI. This module has interactive mode for analysis of the joints with unspecified configuration.
StringerStrength is a detailed strength analysis of the join stringer panels. Analysis is engineering methods based on the guide for engineering TsAGI. This module has interactive mode for analysis of the stringer panels with unspecified configuration.
FastnersAnalysis is a detailed strength analysis of the joints of frames, stringers and skins. Analysis is executed by engineering methods based on the guide for engineering TsAGI. This module has interactive mode for analysis of the joints with unspecified configuration.
DiagonalField is a module intended for analysis of skin reduction in the global model (based on the methods of TsAGI). This module has not an interactive mode.
OrthotropicStability is a module intended for buckling analysis of orthotropic (design-orthotropic and composite) skins in a global airframe model (based on the energy method of the stability rating). This module has not an interactive mode.
CrossSectionAnalysis is a module intended for the strength analysis of the twin-walled bar.
The main part of this application is the coordinating unit (working title — AVALON). This unit synchronizes data generation from the global model to perform the detailed calculations and record of safety factor and results of detailed calculations in the database with the global model of the plane. Also, this unit controls the process of reports creation.
Due to the high level of automation the cycle of typical construction calculations is reduced to 36 hours.


global finite-element model, strength analysis, airframe structure, detailed stress analysis


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  3. Niu M., Airframe structural design, Hong Kong Conmilit Press LTD, Hong Kong, 2011, 612 p.

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