Modeling Earth remote sensing spacecraft target efficiency evaluation with regard to the onboard systems reliability

Space technologies


Lohmatkin V. V.

Space Rocket Centrе Progress, 18, Zemets str., Samara, 443009, Russia



Object: Parameters of reliability and target efficiency of the spacecraft;
Subject: Spacecraft performance evaluation expressed in taken images of the Earth surface area and monitoring periodicity;
Purpose: Development of simulation models and algorithms for influence of onboard supplying systems partial failures and target equipment on parameters of spacecraft target efficiency;
Methodology: In the article are used: logical-and-probabilistic methods for the analysis of onboard systems functionability, a method of simulation modeling and statistical tests. The analysis of statistical material involves a classification of failures with respect to the target operation of spacecraft stand-by time. Construction of failures mathematical models is based on the construction of onboard systems failures trees. Failures trees construction of observation spacecraft is based on the construction of onboard systems failures trees.
Findings: On the basis of algorithm for an estimation of shooting productivity expressed by quantity of finished shooting objects of supervision, the estimation algorithm of shooting productivity is developed. An estimation method for monitoring periodicity of Earth remote sensing spacecraft taking into account the reliability of on-board systems is suggested. This method is based on the spacecraft target functioning simulation with consideration of onboard system failure.
Practical implications: Results of the provided researches are used at early design stages of the spacecraft. Research results can be used at early stages of onboard systems development and their parameters estimations.
Originality: Mathematical models of onboard systems failures, algorithm for simulation modeling of partial failures influence on parameters of shooting productivity and Earth monitoring periodicity of the spacecraft and the corresponding software are developed. By means of the software it is possible to construct relation between shooting productivity and monitoring periodicity with respect to the reliability parameters of spacecraft. Such relations allow to estimate losses of output effect from reliability level of spacecraft. From the other hand it is possible to set spacecraft reliability parameters norms taking into account onboard systems failures.


spacecraft, Earth remote sensing, parameters of target efficiency, shooting productivity


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