Application of energy efficient wireless technologies for engine control

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Udodov A. N.

UEC-Klimov, 11, Kantemirovskaya Str., Saint-Petersburg, 194100, Russia



One of the main issues while designing classical control and monitoring systems for gas turbo engines is the presence of wiring and multiple wiring harnesses used to couple the sensors to the central processing unit reducing overall system reliability (around 30% of system failures are caused by various connection defects) and scalability and increasing weight and cost. The objective of this work is to present an application of energy efficient wireless sensor networks (WSN) in engine control systems replacing classical wired connections between sensors/actuators and engine controller. Implementing an engine WSN for coupling sensors/actuators to the engine controller enables to reduce the system weight, increase system reliability due to lower connections and, if needed, flexibly vary the number of system components without any need of redesign. It also provides capability to standardize modules of control and monitoring to use them with different types of engines. Methods and tools for the implementation of wireless data transmission and power supply organization are researched, justified and selected. A scheme of energy efficient wireless system node containing thermoelectric generator and impulse ultra-wideband transceiver is proposed. The direct amplification scheme making able to reduce transceiver design complexity resulting in power consumption and dimensions reduction is used. Calculations made allow to determine the maximum data transmission speed in the network requirements for the given transmission range, signal duration and probability of errors. The possibility of further optimization of the energy efficient transceiver scheme allowing to increase the transmission rate is shown. The node scheme allows to create energy-efficient wireless networks for data transfer in the gas turbo engine control system.


wireless communication, ultra-wideband signals, sensor networks, sensors, energy harvesting, thermoelectric generators, gas turbo engines


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