Development of testing procedure for program modules of automated control systems

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities


Grishanova I. V.

Scientific and Production Association of automatics named after academician N.A.Semikhatov, 145, Mamina-Sibiryaka Str., Yekaterinburg, 620075, Russia



This research work was aimed at creation of a system automatically monitoring the event occurrence in the ground-based control system software for the «Souz-2» launch vehicles.
The errors detected in the programs during the checkout have been analyzed: the event time intervals are mainly specified incorrect; more rarely, the wrong commands are sent or the wrong command/signal addresses are specified. During the program execution, the main events are recorded into a log file: the event occurrence time and the comment to the event are reflected there. This work requires great attention focusing on the event time diagram which should be worked out, then the recorded time intervals should be compared to the calculated ones; it is also important to check whether all the required events have occurred and none of the unnecessary actions have been performed. The developed automatic control mechanism makes it possible to simplify this process.
The solution of the original problem was based on the double programming principle. As the result of applying the developed testing procedure, errors were detected in the tested programs at the first checkout stage. The log became more understandable due to the highlighting of the positive and negative control results, whereupon the protocol analysis time reduced considerably.


testing, software unit, automatic checkout, event, background task


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