Interpolation methods for the generation of radar test data

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Vays S. N., Repina M. V.*

Radio Engineering Corporation “VEGA”, 34, Kutuzovskiy prospekt, Moscow, 121170, Russia



Test radar impulse developing questions have very high priority, as they are needed when hardware is calibrated, tried out and approval and preliminary tests of the digital radar impulse processing device of perspective radar. The fact that blocks of test data were generated out of real radar signals allows essentially expand range of use. A number of important parameters of developing radar can be estimated within ground-based measurements verifications without flight testing.
Interpolation of the original signal sample for getting test data is determined by difference in signal data format in ongoing and developing radar. Noise interpolation special features take place because of finite accuracy of the interpolation signal sample. It ensues from the results of the conducted research, that interpolation errors are multiplicative and correlated. Energy of interpolation errors is concentrated in narrow band with correlate passive noise spectrum that is regarded non-working and rejected at spectrum processing. Thus, influence of interpolation errors for target detecting can be neglected
Output data was verified spectrographically and revealed that using interpolated input signal arrays comes up to increasing distance and frequency resolution. Generated data can be successfully used for testing target detection algorithms in complex background conditions.


surveillance radar, interpolation, digital signal processing, spectrography, resolution power


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