The technique of introduction of electronic data interchange in the production of complex aircraft engineering

Economics and management


Kuznetsova V. B.*, Sergeev A. I.**

Orenburg State University, OSU, 13, prospect Pobedy, Orenburg, 460018, Russia



The improvement of the manufacturing process of complex products using PDM- systems for aviation enterprises determines the relevance of the study. However, the results of studies in this field require individual adaptation to the particular enterprise. This study developed the technique of introduction of electronic data interchange, including the algorithm for paperless issuing of engineering and design documents (EDD) of the aviation enterprises, the model of а placement information structure and the typical scenarios in the Teamcenter medium. The study showed that the competent organization of a unified information space can significantly reduce the time and cost of introduction the PDM- system that makes it possible to reduce the labor intensiveness and number of errors in the preparation of EDD.
The purpose of this study is to increase the issuing of engineering and design documents efficiency through the introduction of PDM-system.
To construct an algorithm for the paperless issuing of engineering and design documents (EDD) at JSC «PO «Strela» were applied provisions GOST 19.701 — 90 «Schemes of algorithms, programs, data and systems». To reflect information interrelations of paperless issuing of engineering and design documents developed UML- sequence diagram.
Scientific novelty of the study is theoretical justification and methodological basis of the information descriptions aircraft engineering products.
In the technique clearly defined stages of inspection, verification, approval and coordination of engineering and design documents.
In developing technology paperless issuing of engineering and design documents in the system Teamcenter Engineering applied methodology for functional modelling IDEF0.
Placing information in the PDM-system is implemented as a hierarchical model structure in the medium Teamcenter Engineering.
The main conclusions and findings.
1. Organization of a unified information space will allow JSC «PO „Strela“ significantly reduce the number of errors in the preparation of engineering and design documents.
2. The proposed algorithm of design documentation of the aircraft enterprise makes it possible to carry out both the control and coordination of the technical electronic documents.
3. The developed technology of paperless issuing of engineering and design documents in Teamcenter Engineering is clearly presents and explains the choice of templates and procedures for creating and start the process of issuing of the technical electronic documents.
4. The hierarchical model of the structure of placing information in Teamcenter Engineering environment allows providing uniformity and convenient access users PDM-system.
5. On the basis of the algorithm issue of engineering and design documents, UML-diagrams, mathematical description of posting information was developed practical technique automation of design processes of „PO“ Strela», including the stages of development of policy documents, the algorithm of the management details, the algorithm of the management assemblies and the algorithm of the data management geometric materials.
6. The developed method allows «PO» Strela" to reduce terms setting of products in the manufacturing, to ensure that the design process in parallel by multiple divisions or implementing, to structure product information, to avoid duplication of documents, to facilitate interaction with partner companies.


PDM-system, a unified information space, electronic data interchange, engineering and design documents, life cycle of products


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