Strategic project office for aerospace enterpr

Economics and management


Ershov D. M.*, Lobanov S. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In order to maintain competitiveness on the world market aircraft manufacturers need to plan and implement development projects. Many of the Russian aerospace industry companies are currently experiencing shortage of resources, so they (resources) should be spent as efficiently as possible. The vital need for performance management techniques in aerospace industry is based on the fact that planning and investment are complicated by the long production cycle, high resource consumption and relatively low profitability of production.
One way to solve the problem of efficient resource management is development of the enterprise strategy and the creation of a system for strategic portfolio management. An important part of this system is the Strategic Project Office (SPO) which is special software that supports the Executive Review Board.
To implement the SPO it is necessary to construct methodology for formation of strategic portfolio and evaluation of strategic performance. We have developed such methodology. The steps of persons involved in the management of strategic portfolio are specified; the information flows that define sequence of the steps are determined. The proposed approach is illustrated by the activity flow diagram to clearly describe the process of strategic portfolio management.
Algorithms for building a strategic portfolio were proposed by scientists before (there are special standards for project portfolio management, e.g. PMI — The Standard of Portfolio Management). However, most of these algorithms only verbally describe the activities which should be performed. Our methodology differs from them, because it relies on usage of specially developed mathematical models and methods, so it is well suited for incorporation into the SPO.
Currently, we have desktop applications that support evaluation of strategic performance. Also we have provided the templates for web-interface of SPO and analytical reports.
The proposed methodology has been used to analyze the strategic performance of an enterprise which produces light aircrafts and has shown its practical usefulness.


strategic project office, portfolio of strategic initiatives, optimizing the allocation of resources


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