Complex system for target training and qualification improvement in aerospace industry

Methods and tutorials


Kachalin A. M.1*, Zadorozhnaja O. N.2*

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The development of aerospace has always been one of the priorities of the Russian Federation government. Clearly, the process of staffing and providing with highly-skilled professionals in aerospace should be continuous and efficient. Currently, the majority of leading Russian enterprises develops and trains their human resources beforehand, choosing among the most talented students from industry-specific schools. Target preparation for aerospace is the guarantee of enterprise and sector development.
Among the clients are aerospace enterprises which form individual courses of target training, then monitor the realization of the courses and choose the most promising students. The further work in the chain «School-University-Science-Enterprise» implies a cyclic training and as a result we get qualified and experienced specialists.
The specialists of the Resource Center of Scientific Research and Innovative Technologies (RC NSIIT) MAI (NIU) have been working for a long time in the sphere of training highly-qualified specialists in aerospace sector. As a result of their work they developed and introduced a comprehensive online tool of remote users cooperation (The patent #_126492 d.d. November 16, 2012 for a complex system of distant learning and videoconferencing ).
Application of this complex system is determined by a complete delivery in a duplex mode video and audio materials, lectures, diagrams, presentations, text and video files, 3D-images with the opportunity to create video archives and to conduct simultaneous online classes. It makes the learning process effective due to the quality and efficiency of delivering necessary studying materials and due to the presence effect.
This complex system contains specialized server software, interactive block, information site and the blocks of users and listeners. Each of the blocks has an architecture which is necessary for solving the tasks of distant learning and videoconferencing in the most optimal modes. In this complex system the changing of the configuration is possible due to the connecting additional components that allows expanding the range of operational capabilities of the system. The system enables the general integration of various components into one technical solution, development of one information space and the possibility to connect users to it, expansion of operational capabilities, optimization of conducting video conferences and higher rates of system performance in the context of more distant users and minimal requirements to the Internet channel and equipment.
Using innovative technologies in the process of training, the possibility of distant «live» communication of two and more users provide a new level of specialists training and the quality and efficiency of obtained knowledge.


aerospace industry, target training, specialized software, distance learning, innovation technologies


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