Computerized diagnostic system for the parameters of radio-frequency ion thruster output beam

Control and navigation systems


Busurin V. I.*, Korobkov V. V.1**, Naing T. L.2

1. Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company «Atomenergoproekt», 3, Pl. Svobody. Nizhny Novgorod, 603006, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In this paper, the design parameters of four-beam acceleration sensor based on optical tunnelling effect are considered and that the errors analyses of this sensor to get more accurate sensing of acceleration for passenger aircrafts is conducted. For the acceleration measurement, a sensor, based on optical tunnelling effect, with the «prism-total internal reflection-plate», can be designed. The sensing element is designed with quartz, and basic sensing element consists of light emitting diode, prism, four-beam element, photodiode and processing block. The transfer function of this acceleration sensor is determined by the output optical power and the output voltage, dependent on the magnitude of the deflection element and sensing gap. Under the influence of acceleration, the deflection of sensing element depends on the length, thickness and width of the sensing element as well as the additional mass, installed in the centre of the element. Moreover, the effects of angle of incidence light, initial gap of sensing element and the effect of temperature are also significant. The effect of the deflection of sensing element due to above mentioned factors is considered. Such acceleration sensor can be used under actual conditions, e.g., as a part of control systems on an aircraft, or inertial navigation systems. This sensor should be used in cases when reducing size and weight, the ability to operate in explosive and hazardous environments are critical. Due to quartz high temperature resistance capability, it can maintain its characteristics in different temperature zones that are typical for aircraft.


sensor, acceleration, four-beam sensing element, tunnelling, prism, temperature, reflectivity, errors


  1. BusurinV.I., NosovYu.R. Volokonno-opticheskiedatchiki: Physicheskieocnovi, voprosirascheta i primeneniya (Fiber Optic Sensors: Physical basis, calculation and application questions, Мoscow, Energoatomizdat, 1990, 256 p.
  2. Ryder G.H. Strength of materials, Third Edition in SI UNITS, 1969, 197 p.
  3. De Hoff R.T. Thermodynamics in materials science, McGraw-Hill, 1993, 18 p.

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