Study of the spectral and polarization properties of powdered shungite after annealing

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Belousova E. S.*, Lynkov L. M.**

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BSUIR, P.Brovka str. 6, Minsk 220013, Belarus



Spectral and polarization properties of masking materials, which have similar properties as natural background has. These materials are used for hiding ground objects from detection by remote sensing on the background surface (soil, sand, vegetation)
This paper shows the influence of the environment in the annealing gas camera on spectral and polarization properties of shungite, which is a powdered material with grain size less than 20 microns. The samples of shungite were thermally annealed for 2 hours in different environments: the oxidized condition, condition with the addition ammonium chloride, and vacuum.
The goniometer equipment and the spectroradiometer PSR-02 were used for investigation of spectral and polarization properties of powdered shungite after annealing in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths range (450... 2300 nm).
Shungite annealed in oxidized environment has the biggest value of spectral brightness coefficient, because there is the highest content of silicon oxide in the composition of matter. It has the smallest value of the polarization degree (0.08... 0.091). Annealed shungite in the environment with the addition ammonium chloride has the smallest value of the polarization degree too (0.06... 0.087). Values of spectral brightness coefficient of the annealed powders shungite correlate with the values of spectral brightness coefficient of vegetation. Samples of shungite annealed in an oxidized environment and in vacuum have the same values of spectral brightness coefficient as podzolized and loamy soils in the wavelength range 400-700 nm. Spectral properties of shungite annealed in environment with the addition ammonium chloride and spectral properties of black and sandy loam soils are the similar. Annealed shungite can be used as carbon materials for hiding or emphasizing the texture of materials on natural background.


remote detection of objects, shungite, annealing, spectral brightness coefficient, polarization degree


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