Organizational-economic features of the modern science intensive defense articles price formation

Economics and management


Ivanisov V. Y.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The subject of this article is the features of research and advanced development and its influence on the price limit setting of the new high technology defense products. Current legislation brings the relations between the high technology defense products developer and development customer to the work and labour relations, i.e. the relations of material products manufacturing under the contract of work and labour. The key criterion to distinguish research and work and labour relations is the concept of «new knowledge». The aim and the result of defense product development is the creation of knew knowledge about a new defense products and the knowledge of previous defense products becomes initial knowledge for creation of a new defense products. At the same time all the material factors of development process and mainly their combination in the form of new defense product prototypes are only the material means for reaching the required new knowledge. Engineering perils realization fairly lead to the extension of research and development terms and raise of the expenses. In its turn the contract of work and labour doesn’t contemplate the engineering perils. The state customer signs state contract for the development with the fixed price limit in the judicial field of work and labour. Fixed development price limit set by the state customer doesn’t correspond with the real demand for funds for the development without regard to the costs of engineering and technological perils in the process of new defense product creation and without regard to the real, not expected, inflation raise of the development costs.
Thus the development price limit can’t be reliably set and therefore there is no economic reasoning for it to be fixed. Therefore the state contract for the development of science intensive defense product should be signed only with the «reference» price without fixing the development cost.


development features, development price limit


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