Ensuring resource safety at logistic production management of aviation engines

Economics and management


Kanevsky E. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: kaf506@mai.ru


The present stage of development of the enterprises of aviaengine-building it is necessary to consider the organization of productions in constant interrelation with management of deliveries of material resources and management of realization of finished goods. In the conditions of the increasing competition the success of the enterprises of aviaengine-building depends on speed of response to continuous changes in external infrastructure. The enterprises have to have the management mechanisms, allowing to carry out adaptation to market conditions and the competition in the world markets of the Russian producers of engines of aircraft. Need of formation at the enterprises developing and making engines for domestic aircraft, the organizational and economic conditions allowing these enterprises normally to function in the conditions of developed market economy moves forward.
In modern conditions of the enterprise of aviaengine-building had a real opportunity to operate the production stocks, using this opportunity to strengthen the positions in the market. The system analysis of conditions, features and transformations, characteristic for the aviaengine-building enterprises, gives the full grounds to claim that their needs for models of optimization of stocks, for goals logistic management of production efficiency will constantly amplify.
The effective functioning of the manufacturing aviaengine-building enterprises estimated, first of all, by cost of occurring processes, significantly depends on the organization of movement of material streams, and also on correctness of decisions on management of these streams. However, now the industrial enterprises have to pay special attention not only optimization of movement of material streams from the supplier to the consumer, to their intra production advance, but also resource safety of logistic management of the aviaengine-building enterprises.
Practical actions on ensuring resource safety are based on a standard and legal basis of activity of the enterprises of aviaengine-building, measures of economic incentives, methods of implementation of policy of resource safety, administrative control levers, motivation of the personnel, ensuring compliance between profitability and risk, ratio optimization «volume-expense-profit», optimization of stocks, optimization of intra production movement of material streams, modernization of park of the equipment and others. Thus, increase of resource safety of activity of the enterprises of aviaengine-building in many respects is defined by the speed and accuracy of reaction of the enterprise on arising external and internal threats where a key factor defining efficiency of logistic production management is creation of system and realization of the mechanism of ensuring resource safety of the enterprise.
It is possible to formulate the main directions of realization of measures for ensuring resource safety. It is possible to refer development of strategy and concepts of logistic management to them productions, movement of material streams; definition of methods and tools of logistic production management; development of actions for increase of resource safety of activity of the enterprises of aviaengine-building.


resource security, logistics, production management, material flow


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