Methodological approach to the evaluation of effectiveness of integrated structures restructing (in terms of aero engine building)

Economics and management


Mokrousova E. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The purpose is to prove that the theory of potentials can be justifiably used to estimate the effectiveness of organizational transformations.
The point of this method is to calculate the potential of the business system before and after transformations.
The article estimates the business system competitiveness through correlation of its potentials and shows the methodological approach in finding areas of competitiveness in the system under consideration. In addition the article analyses the key points of the theory of potentials in the context of business processes in the business system. It highlights the fact that a concept of potential reflects the dynamic nature of competitiveness as its key property. It is noted that potentials of the object is defined on the basis of its functioning costs. When market context is excluded, it makes values of costs and business equity potential equal. The method of costs calculation also influences potential’s value.
Research limitations/implications
These findings can be used to determine effectiveness of organizational transformations of economic systems.
The originality of this research consists in the proposition of non-traditional approach to the evaluation of effectiveness of organizational transformations of economic object.


restricting, aero engine building, efficiency, competitiveness, cumulative potential


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