Wideband shields of electromagnetic radiation on the basis of liquid-containing cellulose

Material authority


Yahya Taha Abdo Al Ademi -. -.*, Ahmed Abdulbaset Arabi Abulkasem -. -.**, Pulko Т. А.***, Nasonova N. V.****, Lynkov L. M.*****

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BSUIR, P.Brovka str. 6, Minsk 220013, Belarus

*e-mail: yahta66@yahoo.com
**e-mail: bast1967@yahoo.com
***e-mail: naig@tut.by
****e-mail: NasonovaN@bsuir.by
*****e-mail: leonid@bsuir.by


The disadvantages of the majority of wideband electromagnetic shields with geometrically non-regular surface areas follows: their large thickness, weight and sufficient cost. The electromagnetic shielding constructions of a linear corrugated shape are suggested, which are based on compressed cellulose filled with a hygroscopic solution. The EMR attenuation and reflection characteristics are investigated in the frequency range of 0.7-17 GHz for the different orientation of corrugations with reference to the electromagnetic waves polarization.

The electromagnetic shielding constructions based on liquid-containing compressed cellulose of a linear corrugated shape and flat shape are suggested. In order to stabilize the liquid-content, the hygroscopic metal salt solution in equilibrium concentration was synthesized. The solution is characterized by high sorption and, as a result, prevents liquid content variation when the ambient temperature and humidity alter. The sample surface microstructure was studied using metallographic microscope МЕТАМ—Р1 with amplification up to 507 times. The obtained microphotographs show, that there are local volumes of the solution preserved within the cellulose fiber structure during the whole period of the investigations. The experiments show, that the samples of flat shape 5 mm in thickness possess the reflection coefficient as low as −12 dB. The reflection characteristics for the flat-shaped sample on a metal base are quite flat in a wide frequency band. The EMR attenuation increases from 2 to 14 dB with the frequency increase due to the radio-absorbing properties of the liquid-containing filler.


electromagnetic radiation shield, composite materials, liquid-containing matrrials


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