Dependence of information content of aerial objects impulse characteristics upon the location of pulse response

Electronics, Radio and Communications
1*, 2**1. Russian Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky, 2, Kotovskogo St., Smolensk, 214027, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
Pulse-by-pulse rearrangement of carrier frequency wave is considered to be one of the perspective aspects of radiolocation development. Employment of frequency hopping techniques improves the range resolution characteristics and allows frequency-hopping signals usage for the purposes of identifying aerial objects through pulse response modeling. Impulse characteristics of aerial objects are of discrete structure which has a significant influence on the signal information content that may decrease the quality of identifying aerial objects. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of aerial objects impulse characteristics formation depending on the relative position of scattering centers in radial direction and frequency hopping parameters.
It was investigated that appearance of scattering centers response between the samples leads to the distortion of impulse characteristics. This is reflected in the lowering of pulse response amplitude, in distributing the amplitude between two adjacent samples of impulse characteristic, and in acquiring idle footstalls by the responses, distributed according to the width of impulse characteristic display.
Relative position of scattering centers influences the amplitude of their responses in impulse characteristic. The degree of such impact decreases correspondingly to the growth of distance between the scattering centers. To employ impulse characteristic in purposes of identifying aerial objects during the training of neural network identifiers, one should take into consideration possible distortions of impulse characteristic caused by disagreement of scattering centers responses and samples of impulse characteristic. The investigation revealed that the most effective way to remove the distortions is to increase the range of frequency hopping as well as scale-up of impulses in a pulse packet.
frequency characteristic, impulse characteristic, frequency hopping signals, pulse responseReferences
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