The insurance of the design risks of enterprises - developers of the ground-based automatically controlled complexes of administration of the automatic spacecraft

Economics and management


Zakharenko E. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Of article Yegor Glebovich’s Zakharenko on the theme «The insurance of the design risks of enterprises — the developers of the ground-based automatically controlled complexes of control of automatic spacecraft», examined to the object of publication in the electronic scientific journal «transactions of the MAI»

In the article are examined questions of estimation and basic methods of control of design risks during the organization of development and experimental production of the ground-based automatically controlled complexes of control of the automatic spacecraft (NAKU KA) in the enterprises of rocket-space industry (RKP).

The methodology of performing work is based on analysis, estimation and subsequent development of detailed control algorithm by the design risks of enterprises — the developers of NAKU KA depending on the scenarios of risky events and taking into account the division of damage into several indices, connected with the degree of the concrete scenario of design risk.

The results of work are:

  1. Are substantiated promising trends in development of the organization of development NAKU KA under the conditions of design risks taking into account of their analysis and classification.
  2. Taking into account the analysis of the possible compensation of losses in enterprises in RKP via the insurance of design risks formed organizational and procedural proposals on analysis and control of these risks.
  3. Is proposed step by step control algorithm of the design risks of enterprises — the developers OF NAKU KA taking into account the special features of the organization of innovation and design activity in enterprises in RKP.

The results of the article in question can be used for the development of technical-normative documentation for the creation of competitive NAKU KA within the framework of design activity at enterprises in RKP, and also in the design activity of enterprises in the adjacent fields of defense- industrial complex (OPK), and furthermore, in training process the MAI and other VUZ (Institute of Higher Education).


ground automated control of spacecraft, project risks, insurance


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