Development of the network architecture of management of the innovation system in the early stages of the cycle of aeronautical products creation

Economics and management


Ageyeva N. G.1*, Rebiy E. J.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. North-Caucasus Federal University, 2, Kulakov Avenue, Stavropol, 355029, Russia



One of the main elements of the management in the development and implementation of aviation technology are different interaction network measures aimed at the acquisition and transfer of knowledge and technology between the designs, production, research and educational institutions.

Quality, intensity, and the early stages of developing airlines entering into the network of interaction is determined to achieve «breakthrough» improvement options, the long-term effectiveness and efficiency of aeronautical products.

The purpose of the work is to form the processing model of management changes in innovation practice of creating aviation technology considering the evaluation and the choice of the innovation concepts including the system of criteria of innovation attraction of the projects and selection criteria of potential coauthors in science and innovation networks allowing acceleration of the design process, reduce the development time of the new aviation technology, increase the quality of the projects.

The processing model of changes in innovation practice on the early stage of the cycle of aviation production based on the system and coordination-oriented approaches using the Robust Portfolio Modeling, RPM.

The results of the study are: the main stages of the evaluation and selection of projects, management procedures of organization of the selection process of potential scientific and innovation networks, tools for their implementation, the system of relationships between the main stages of the creation’s cycle of aircraft products.

The scope of application of the results of the study are the management and planning of the enterprises working in the early stages of the development cycle innovation products and services, where the initiators and sources innovation developments can be users themselves.


innovation, stages of the life cycle, management processes, systems approach, , science and innovation networks, strategy, enterprise


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