Additive manufacturing opportunity for aviation and aerospace technology development

Economics and management
Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, GSP-7, 117997, Russia
The article analyzes the actual development trends of Additive Manufacturing (AM), applied in the aerospace industry in the United States (US) and Europe.
Ongoing studies on the analysis of AM-technologies are of a generalized nature of popular science, so this paper attempts not only to structure the data obtained by the application in the aviation and aerospace industry (which is the target area of civil and military equipment), but also to give economic assessment of the application of developments. The research materials are selected to demonstrate the difference between AM-technologies and the traditional processing techniques, as well as to point out the features and specifications of parts, components and assemblies produced by various technological methods.
Details and statistics obtained in the course of the study show that in recent years the scope of AM-technologies has become quite important. Due to technological advances and economic benefits of their use, its utilization has become the best indicator of the innovative development of progressively developing countries. Strategically, it’s necessary to track the emergence of technologies and developments in the world of theoretical and practical understanding of the functioning of innovation. US and European countries are leading in the development of new technologies. The study of the results of their work will give more data to support the need for the introduction of
AM-technologies and develop its own database of equipment, construction materials and products in the Russian industry.
The introduction of AM-technologies has not yet received any adequate attention from the Russian government. Scientific studies are still at a nascent stage and have no systematic approach to the study of AM-technologies. In this direction, foreign development have arrived ahead of the domestic one, besides the studies of scientific nature, an increasing number of techniques are being implemented into production. Therefore, it is advisable to use international experience of creating and operating AM-technologies in industrial sectors such as satellite and engine manufacturing to optimize the production of high-tech counterparts in the Russian aviation and aerospace industry.
additive manufacturing, 3D printer, aerospace industry, aero engine building, aviation and spacecraftReferences
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