Development of a generalized mathematical model of calculation and designing of combustion chambers of vertical counter flow type.

Aerospace propulsion engineering
, *Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia
Power and heat-power facilities state-of-the-art requires environmental, energy and economic efficiency enhancement of the work process. In its turn, these requirements are associated with
— environmental requirements changes;
— the need to improve efficiency, performance and manufacturability of the combustion chambers of gas-turbine engine and gas-turbine plants of the aircraft;
— the need to develop new processing and recycling technologies of various substances.
The most promising solution to the problems mentioned above is the application of combustion chambers of vertical counter flow type.
Our research pursues an objective of developing science-based methodology integral characteristics calculation to design various modifications of suggested combustion chamber for practical application.
For our research we choose the device in the form of a two-stage two-zone chamber as a model for theoretical study of the fuel combustion process.
The feature of this kind of the combustion chamber lieы in the fact that it combines the main features of working process and construction elements of the single-stage, two-stage and two-zone combustion chambers. After the investigation of the combustion chamber of the complex type, it is easy to transfer the obtained results to one-stage, two-stage and two-zone combustion chambers.
In the work we obtained parametrical equation linking thermo-dynamical and gas-dynamical parameters of the main elements of combustion chambers. This equation allows obtaining the integral characteristics of the two-stage two-zone combustion chamber and estimating the influence of each main element, that combustion chamber consists of, upon its output parameters and construction. This equation includes coefficients of the air surplus and the combustion completeness in each of main elements. As a result, the work gives the linkage between the integral parameters of the combustion chamber. We found out that the product of all the integral parameters of the process is equal to unity. This equation provides the implementation of the ten variants of the constructive scheme of the combustion chamber for the relevant working modes, i.e. we can choose different modification of the combustion chamber.
engineering, air-jet enginesReferences
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