On unmanned aircraft for reconnaissance missions performance upon the sea design procedure

Aviation technics and technology


Trokhov D. A.1*, Turkin I. K.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,

*e-mail: dmitry85t@mail.ru
**e-mail: kafedra_602@mail.ru


The paper analyses current situation with global sea surface monitoring system development implementing high-altitude reconnaissance UAVs. We present approaches to rational design algorithm for aerial reconnaissance over the sea UAV image building with allowance for weight and tactical criterions. Complexity and relevance of iterations in UAV design algorithm are noted. We believe that it is expedient to select takeoff mass as a criterion of optimality, since it can be considered as a universal criterion of optimality. We also disclose UAV complex performance evaluation approach within the framework of surveillance operation as an aggregate of operation fragments assessments interchanging each other. The paper gives image design definition and discloses its main content. It also touches upon the importance of resolution index of target equipment for imagery intelligence. The paper gives recommendations on content of the target equipment providing required resolution afield, and presents the estimation of efficiency results of typical target equipment based on the criterion of object of intelligence t recognition probability.

One of the main tasks of image shaping is analysis of reconnaissance objects, their air defense, electronic warfare means, and indicators of visibility. It is important to analyze the weather conditions and sea surface state dependence of aerial reconnaissance efficiency. It is necessary to develop a mathematical model of complex operating effect to substantiate requirements to UAV trajectory, to the structure and parameters of the target equipment. It is essential to create UAV aerodynamic model, UAVs weight model, geometric layout, UAV effective area of scattering calculation model, layout and alignment models, as well as other models within the framework of the selected reference image. The paper describes an approach to aerial sea reconnaissance UAV image forming algorithm with allowance for target reconnaissance equipment. It presents estimation methodology for target equipment optical channel and on-board water-borne targets radar installation effectiveness. Simulation results show that sea reconnaissance tasks solving is possible one include both optical and radar channels into target equipment. Optical channel must have the following parameters: matrix dimensions — 30 mm × 30 mm; number of pixels in matrix row — 3000; focal distance — 200 mm. Radio channel antennae gain should be in the range from 3000 to 4000, and transmitter power — from 2 to 4 kW.


sea monitoring, unmanned aerial vehicle, monitoring equipment, designing, design parameters


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