Simulation of a soft landing in terrestrial conditions

Space technics and technology


Malyshev V. V.1*, Starkov A. V.2**, Titkov M. A.1***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



The paper presents a model of the spacecraft with a soft landing, soft landing simulation methods and the expected size of the stand for throwing tests in terrestrial conditions.

For the definition of the critical angles and approaches permissible speed limits applied at planting stands throwing tests. The test stand is designed for the experimental study of the process soft landing spacecraft on the moon, Mars and other planets using polnomassovogo dynamically similar layout.

To solve the problem of the spatial movement of the spacecraft requires two numerical processes:

  1. Calculation of force factors acting on a body in motion;
  2. Solving systems of differential equations in the time interval, starting with the moment of contact of the body and ends when the full stop SC.

On a real stand to ensure perfect accuracy suspension layout of the exhibition on the device and reset the layout giving the desired spatial orientation impossible. It is therefore advisable to choose such options stand that will provide the best simulation of the lunar acceleration with errors show the simulation parameters. Maximum possible accuracy of the point of suspension, the site and removing the device from the equilibrium point is taken decimeter, and the size of the stand taken by analogy with a stand named NGOs Benches, built in 1965.

In an inclined bench throwing tests implemented the most simple scheme unloading. Mock lander suspended on a cable carries contact with an inclined rotating platform simulator and soil lunar surface. This type of discharge best represents the forces acting on the spacecraft at the time of landing on the moon.

The main criterion for choosing the optimal size of the stand taken accuracy simulate lunar acceleration.

Thus, it is proposed to install the suspension point at a height of 27 m, and the pad at a distance 4.1 m to simulate the predetermined velocity in the vertical plane of the layout to be moved at a distance of 4.1 m to 9.3 m and at a distance of 4.2 m to 5.2m, to simulate a horizontal velocity component.


spacecraft, spacecraft lander, stand-throwing tests


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