Development of a radiation-protective composition material of space application on the glass matrix basis

Material authority


Sokolenko I. V.

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, 46, Kostyukova str., Belgorod, 308012, Russia



The text deals with the development of a new highly effective radiation protective material of space application. We have created a new composition material on the basis of inorganic high-lead glass matrix reinforced by modified nanotubular chryzotile. In the composite production we have used the following components: high-lead glass of special chemical composition; nanotubular chryzotile modified by inclusion of lead tungstate PbWO4; nanocrystalline powder PbWO4. The non-standard matrix material choice is explained by the qualities of the chosen matrix. Due to high density and high lead and boron content it can perform both binding and complex radiation protection functions in the developed composite. The characteristics of initial components and received samples of the material were studied using numerous methods of analysis. Production of the composite samples consists of careful mixing of the initial components taken in the required proportion, subpressing of the received mixture in a compression mould, and the following high-temperature pressing at temperature 430-450oC. Investigation of the mechanic, thermal, radiation-protective and other properties of the received material has proven that it has the range of considerable advantages over its polymeric analogs. In particular, it has density 5,5-6 g/cm3, temperature stability up to 400oC, compressive strength up to 300 MPas, high level of aggressive space factors and radiation resistance. All the aforementioned characteristics definitely surpass those of its polymeric analogs. Radiation-protective properties of the composite are defined both by the high density and high content of a range of heavy and light elements. Furthermore, it is easy to change the chemical composition of the received material and therefore to vary its shielding properties from different radiation types. It is also noteworthy that the material has relatively low prime cost and can be successfully applied not only in space but also in a wide range of fields dealing with ionizing radiation.


spacecraft, nuclear power reactor, radiation protection, composite material, efficiency


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