Testability analysis of aviation systems organization

Economics and management


Spiridonov I. B.

PJSC Yakovlev , 68, Leningradskiy prospect, Moscow, 125315, Russia

e-mail: igori.spiridonov@irkut.com


The process of testability control at design stage includes testability modeling, calculation and analysis of indices, comparison of the calculated values with the specified requirements correcting project solutions.

The production system functional model developed for solution to the problem «Testability Analysis» with IDEF (ICAM Definition) methodology to automate testability control at design stages was developed. The model describes processes of system production during the testability with respect to the system quality used for solving the main problem.

Implementation methods of calculation and testability analysis require the introduction of automation in the analysis procedure. It depends of necessity to process with large amount of initial information for production of calculations taking into account a lot of testability criteria evaluations in analysis process.

The proposed approach to the organization of design process allows to:

  1. Process integrated operational schedule of design taking into account tasks of all participants in the design process.
  2. Complexity plan recourse and risks
  3. Develop requirements to ensure, especially for testability analysis software

To realize testability analysis requirements as a part of design process the special software was created.

Software functions are given as follows:

  • basic testability calculation;
  • ranking of testability indices by failure critically level;
  • latent failures detection method;
  • calculated and specified in TRS testability indices comparison;
  • issuance of recommendations for the adjustments to the design decisions to optimize BITE, that perform control function.


aircraft equipment, aircraft systems, reliability, safety, maintenance, built in test equipment, design system manufacturing model, diagram, the tree nodes


  1. Technicheskaya diagnostika. Kontroleprigodnost. Obshie trebjvaniya, GOST 26656-85 (Technical diagnostics. Testability. General requirements. State Standart 26656-85), Moscow, Standarty, 1985, 15 p.
  2. S3000L International procedure specification for Logistics Support Analysis. LSA/ Issue 0.1 2009-06-08.
  3. INTEGRATION DEFINITION FOR FUNCTION MODELING (IDEF0). Draft Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 183 ,1993 December 21.
  4. MIL-HDBK-2165 «Testability handbook for systems and equipment».
  5. Spiridonov I., Stepanyants A., Victorova V. Design testability analysis of avionic systems. Reliability: Theory and Applications RT&A # 03 (26) (Vol.7) 2012, September, pp. 66-73.


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