The formation of a helicopters fleet in view of volume of demand for services and its quality

Economics and management


Zueva T. I.*, Khmelevoi V. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Development of transport system is one of priority State programs of City of Moscow on 2012-2018. Subprogram «Development of new types of transport» suggests, in particular, development of air transport, as well. The main objectives of this type of transport, in addition to commercial use, are the tasks of public-social nature. The most important step in solving the problems of maintenance of execution of services is the stage of formation of helicopters park, helicopter centers of the city of Moscow based on the volume of demand for services and its quality.

The article considers the problem of building a fleet of helicopters, depending on the volume of demand for services and their quality, and two stages of its solution.

At the first stage, the decision on the purchase on the global and domestic markets such models of helicopters (HM), which, on the one hand, are characterized by high competitiveness and, on the other, cover services of helicopter ports (HP) clients. In addition, the implementation of a successful operation for the purchase HM, is required, in advance, to develop a nomenclature procurement portfolio that meets the requirements of operators and clients — users of the services of the HP.

At the second stage, in accordance with the demand for services is determined quantitative composition HM for every position of the nomenclature of the portfolio, taking into account the quality of services provided specific HM. The quality of the services proposed to be evaluated using a points-based assessment system, which as of scales is invited to consider the rationality of use of a particular HM for specific services (loading of helicopter), and as indicators of the quality of services — runtime services, including fast delivery, tariffs for the basic, additional, related services, professionalism of personnel safety.

The task of forming helicopters of the HP is solved in two versions — as a task of linear programming and more simple algorithmic way. The problem is solved for linear restrictions on the quantity demanded and valid flight resource, and also taking into account limitations on the amount of investment for the purchase of helicopters. In this formulation, investment in the development of ground infrastructure of the HP are not taken into account.

The proposed procedure allows to form the effective operation of a fleet of helicopters, taking into account the interests of operators and consumers that find their expression in terms of HM market competitiveness, operating conditions, in the structure and volume of demand for services.


transport system, helicopters, the demand for services, quality of services, integrated market competitiveness, product portfolio, tariff, costs, flight resource, investments


  1. Gosudarstvennaya programma goroda Moskvy «Razvitie transportnoi sistemy na 2012-2016 gg.», podprogramma «Razvitie novykh vidov transporta», available at: (accessed 10.06.2014).
  2. Meriya Moskvy prodolzhaet prodvigat’ ideyu vertoletnogo taksi, available at: (accessed 10.06.2014).
  3. Vdol’ MKAD poyavyatsya vertoletnye ploshchadki, available at: (accessed 12.03.2014).

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