Designing products with regard to organizational and technical capabilities of discrete production engineering

Rocket and space engineering


Kabanov A. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper presents a search and selection methodology for preferred embodiments of product designs engineering solutions meant for discrete engineering production capabilities. As methodology tools we use network and simulation modeling technologies. The paper also considers product, production process and production system models. Implementation of the methodology is shown by the example of aerospace products industry.

Method of solving this problem is based on the following assumptions:

  1. The presented problem is a complex multi-objective problem; its solution requires a set of interrelated models of a product, manufacturing process, and production system. This is stipulated by the fact that the cost structure of the product includes all these categories;
  2. The basic mathematical model for all three of these categories is a network model or network graph;
  3. The order of models creation according to pp. 1, 2 is of great importance due to succession and inheritance relationships while transition from one model to the other:
  4. Product model ® Process model ® Capacity model
  5. Revealed continuity and interrelations, do not only allow provide manageability of the process of engineering options selection in terms of reducing production costs, but also give rather sufficient prerequisites conditions for extensive automation of these activities using of object-oriented programming principles.
  6. Solution of the problem is a phased, iterative, time-consuming process, according to which «rough» and unsatisfactory variants are primarily sifted out.
  7. Solution of the problem requires information support in the form of databases and software implementation of the related algorithms. Thus, the task of creating a complex of software and information support of the process under discussion is up-to-date.

Solution algorithm:

— Product mathematical model development: graph of product assembly;

— Product manufacturing process of product manufacturing network model development based on the graph of the product assembly;

— Network model analysis to identify critical and near-critical paths of the network model of product manufacturing process;

— Identifying «critical» processes that define found critical and near critical paths of the network model, as well as structures that will be subjected to changes.

— Development of engineering options of the obtained solutions;

— Development of products manufacturing production process variants network models;

— Analysis of the production lead time;

— Development of resource network models, allowing taking account of production capacity constraints;

— Analysis of resource network models, selection of a preferred embodiment according to the criterion of the smallest value of the production lead time;

— Development of a production system simulation model based on the selected variant of the resource network model to account for the organization component and market volatility situation: of production operation mode, portion nature of production, and production disruptions;

— Developing a model of market conditions impact on products time of delivery.


concurrent engineering, manufacturing engineering, production systems, aerospace industry, simulation model, discrete production engineering, network model, graph.


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