Influence of hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet lines on static characteristics and performance of the pressure regulator liquid reactive engine

Propulsion and Power Plants


Krapivnych E. V.

NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, 1, Burdenko str., Khimki, 141400, Russia




This paper deals with the choice of the design parameters of the pressure stabilizer (STP) ensured persistence of output pressure. The STP scheme that was designed is single-stage with slide valve pair.

Objective of this study — experimentally determine the nature of influence of hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet line on the output parameters STP, check the correctness of the design calculations and design decisions taken on 4 prototypes STP.


In the design process of STP the engineering calculations were carried out, which allow:

1) for a given stationary operating conditions to calculate the basic design parameters of STP,,

2) to evaluate influence of hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet lines on static characteristics of STP.

On the basis of these calculations 4 prototypes STP has been designed and manufactured and then tested. Tests have shown that the calculation results have good agreement with the experimental values. This proves the correctness of the used methodology. Method of STP calculation was used to develop a mathematical model to determine the parameters of STP for dynamic conditions.

In addition, the nature of influence of inlet and outlet lines on the static characteristics of STP was experimentally defined.

The tests do not simulate the stabilizer in the composition of the engine. In this case, the STP considered as a static object.

The tests were carried out on a hydraulic rig.

Static characteristics were recorded for four schemes:

1) scheme № 1 — «stabilizer + input pipeline+ output pipeline»;

2) scheme № 2 — «stabilizer without stand pipeline»;

3) scheme № 3 — «stabilizer + input pipeline + output pipeline + drain pipeline»;

4) scheme № 4 — «stabilizer + drain pipeline.»


1. The experiments confirmed the correctness of the calculations and design decisions taken.

2. It is shown experimentally influence of the hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet mains (input, output and drain pipe) on the level of static characteristics. It has been established:

— The level of the output pressure in the presence of pipelines connected to the STP higher than the output pressure level in the absence of in the connecting pipes STP;

— The drain pipeline has greatest influence on the value of the output pressure;

— Increasing the inner diameter of the outlet pipe of STP with dy = 6 mm to 8 mm (assuming that the input and the drain pipes are also present in the test circuit) reduces the range between low expenditure (л/с) and high expenditure (л/с) characteristics;

— Used in these tests inlet and outlet hydraulic lines with desired characteristics can not affect the performance of STP i.e. it do not affect the stability of the process of pressure stabilization.

Practical implications

Experimental research methodology has been developed; it facilitates the design of similar stabilizers.

In addition, this design of pressure stabilizer is introduced into production.


The value of a given work is to auto design single-stage pressure regulators.


liquid reactive engine, liquid reactive engine pressure regulators, control units, design pressure regulator liquid reactive engine


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