On the stiffnesses of spiral wire structures


Anosov Y. V.1*, Danilin A. N.**, Kurdumov N. N.2***

1. Moscow State Regional Institute for the Humanities, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow region,142611, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: anosoff-yurij@yandex.ru
**e-mail: andanilin@yandex.ru
***e-mail: nick.n.kurdyumov@gmail.com



Analysis of overhead transmission lines (PTL) consists in the solution of a number of problems associated with calculations of static states and vibrations of conductors and cables together with spiral accessories, vibration dampers and other attached devices on them. Their solution is only possible if the correct accounting bending and torsional stiffnesses of the wire structures. In some problems, these parameters are crucial, for example, associated with the development of energy security and reliability systems for information-telecommunication supply of aerodromes, aircraft and rocket systems, overhead transmission lines of general purpose, subjected to wind in different climatic conditions.

Analysis of the literature and the state of the art in this field of mechanics shows that there are not common methods that would allow simulating the deformation of such structures, to calculate their stiffness characteristics, load-bearing capacity, optimize design parameters. In this regard, the development of methods for the analysis of stress-strain state of the multilayer wire structures, each layer of which is formed of a spiral wires or their strands is actual and practically significant problem.


In this paper each wire layer is considered on the basis of the energy approach as equivalent to the elastic properties of anisotropic cylindrical shell and the wire structure as a whole is modeled as a system of nested cylindrical shells interacting by forces of pressure and friction.


Based on this approach, the formulas for calculation of flexible and stiffness matrices are obtained. The formulas for calculation of bending and torsional stiffnesses of the PTL conductors and cables are also obtained with regard to their internal structure and interaction of wire layers each other.

Research limitations/implications

Resolving equations for a wire layer are obtained in the framework of Hooke’s law without taking into account the possible plastic deformation.


The new approach is suggested to modeling the deformations of multilayer wire structures taking into account the layer interaction between each other.


conductors of PTL, energy averaging, interaction of wire layers, bending and torsional stiffnesses


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