Programmno-modelling complex for seminatural modeling of dynamics of the maneuverable plane

Aeronautical engineering


Kostin P. S.*, Vereshchagin Y. O.**, Voloshin V. A.

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



With a view of research of dynamics of spatial movement of the modern maneuverble subsonic plane the program-modeling complex of dynamics of plane Jak-130 with highly-automatic control system has been created. On the basis of the analysis of the information available about the plane and further its synthesis in mathematical models of dynamics of spatial movement of the maneuverable plane and a cabin information field have been developed. Results of comparison between modeling data (in the Matlab_Simulink environment) and flight experiments give the grounds for confirmation about the high degree of coincidence of mathematical models to real processes and objects.
By means of the program-modeling complex of dynamics of the maneuverable plane with highly-automatic control system with a view of maintenance and improvement of its set flight characteristics the adaptive algorithm of management by thwart motion on the basis of current identification of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane is considered. On the basis of the analysis, on the one hand, the spatial movement of the plane and its mathematical model, on the other hand, the methods of identification of parameters of object and further synthesis of the received information, modelling of process of identification the technique of identification of aerodynamic characteristics of thwart motion of the plane has been developed. Identification of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane is carried out by a recurrent method of the least squares, because of possibility of its realization in real time with satisfying in the speed of convergence and accuracy of estimations that allows to trace change of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane in flight and to make corresponding amendments to control. In article the example of numerical realization of process of identification is presented. The speed of convergence and accuracy of received estimations are comprehensible to the decision of practical problems in the field of maintenance of the set of flight characteristics of the plane. The presented algorithm of automation of management provides improvement of characteristics of controllability of the plane in a cross-section control path in the presence of indignations from asymmetrical external suspension brackets, approaching it from the point of view of controllability to a symmetric configuration. The presented results can be used at synthesis of adaptive algorithms of management by spatial movement of the plane.


seminatural modeling, stability, controllability, adaptation, identification


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