Procedure of initial parametric reliability analysis of electropneumatic valves for systems of space rocket complexes

Rocket and space engineering


Timofeyev Y. M.

Design Bureau “Armatura” - branch GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev, 22, Sotsialisticheskaya str., Kovrov, Vladimir region, 601909, Russia



An important scientific and technical problem is the preparation of electropneumatic valves (EPV) for gas supply systems of space and rocket complexes initial reliability analysis method taking into account the production process effect.

The investigation of the present work is concerned with EPV. The subject of investigation is an initial parametric reliability of EPV. The investigation objective is the development of EPV parametric reliability analysis system taking into account the valves production conditions.

At the first point of work the analysis of existing methods of EPV reliability calculation was performed.

At the second point the EPV schematic circuits and functional concept were studied. What is more, deterministic mathematical and digital models of the most widespread EPV designs were worked out.

At the third point the analysis of influence of EPV parameters spread in values on their technical characteristics was carried out. As a result the list of parameters which make the greatest impact has been received.

At the fourth point the investigation was performed, its objective was to determine the type and the parameters of distribution law of values of production deviation of parts sizes, springs hardness and sealants mechanical properties.

At the fifth point an approach to form the digital models of operation of EPV with regard to the production process was developed. In accordance with the accepted approach and using the results obtained previously a series of computer programs was designed.

At the sixth point the method of EPV initial reliability calculation was developed, this method is based on developed mathematical models, obtained research results and accepted assumptions.

The proposed method for evaluating the initial reliability of the EPV has received approval during the process of development of the new-designed pneumatic automation systems.


electropneumatic valve, parametric reliability, gradual failure, production process, procedure


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  2. Arzumanov Yu. L., Timofeev Yu. M., Khalatov E. M. Spravochnik. Inzhenernyi

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  4. Timofeev Yu. M., Khalatov E. M. Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo aerokosmicheskogo universiteta im. akademika S.P. Koroleva, 2014, no. 3, pp. 96-109.

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