Monoscopic stereoimaging performance evaluation models for Earth remote sensing spacecraft subject to on-board systems reliability

Rocket and space engineering


Lohmatkin V. V.

Space Rocket Centrе Progress, 18, Zemets str., Samara, 443009, Russia



Object of investigation: Monoscopic stereoimaging reliability figures and productivity.

Subject of investigation: Monoscopic stereoimaging productivity evaluation for Earth remote sensing spacecraft with allowance for on-board systems reliability and motion control system dynamic characteristics.

Investigation objective: Developing models and algorithms for on-board support system partial failures and target hardware effect on monoscopic stereoimaging productivity simulation modeling

Procedure of work: the paper uses logical-probabilistic approach for complex engineering systems operating capacity analysis; simulation modeling, statistical testing, and statistical analysis methods On the basis of materials on failures statistical data analysis, we suggest a target operation fault time estimation model depending on the observing spacecraft level of reliability. Power gyroscopic system mathematical models of failures development is based on forming stereoimaging kinematic diagram with account for power gyroscopes failures.

Results: On the basis of imaging performance assessment algorithm, an algorithm and mathematical models of on-board control system failure have been developed for monoscopic stereoimaging performance evaluation. Monoscopic stereoimaging performance evaluation technique has been proposed for Earth remote sensing satellite with account for reliability characteristics of on-board support systems and special-purpose electrooptics. This technique is based on simulation modeling of spacecraft special-purpose operation with account for of on-board systems failure.

Practical applications: The results of the studies are used at early design stages of observing spacecraft for target efficiency evaluation with account for on-board systems reliability indices. It possible to evaluate the monoscopic stereoimaging performance with account for on-board systems reliability and movement control system dynamic characteristics.

Resume: Mathematical models of powered gyroscopic system failures, simulation modeling algorithm of powered gyroscopes partial failure impact on monoscopic stereoimaging performance of observing spacecraft and relevant software have been developed. Implementation the software gives possibility to obtain monoscopic stereoimaging performance versus spacecraft reliability characteristics with account for changing of slew angular velocity. Such dependences allow evaluate the monoscopic stereoimaging performance fully depending on the reliability level of observing spacecraft and dynamic characteristics of powered gyroscopic system.


spacecraft, monoscopic stereoimaging, powered gyroscopic system, failure


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