The Development of Conductive Sensors and Device for ELF Magnetic Field Measurements

Instrument making


Ageev I. M.*, Bubnova M. D.**, Rybin Y. M., Shishkin G. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia




In this paper research results of the weak (<0,5 mT) ELF (0,1-100 Hz) magnetic fields generated near Earth space by original measurement method, by water electric sensors and instrumentation, are given.


The method is based on discovered earlier phenomenon of change of water electric conductivity properties under a magnetic field action. Research of different physical factors influencing on water presents severe experimental difficulties. So at this research stage the most important task is the improvement of apparatus and measurement technique to get measurement repetition and to obtain accurate and reliable experimental data.


The measurements of magnetic field inductance of 0,77 mT and of 6-8 Hz frequencies were carried out in this paper. The greatest influence of magnetic field on electrophysical water features and sensor parameters has been observed for frequencies of 6,5 and 7,5 Hz. These results agree well with ionospheric waves excitation and Schumans resonances.

Research limitations/implications

The present study provides a starting-point for further research.


Thus the developed water electric sensors and instrumentations allow to measure and research weak ELF magnetic fields excited in near-Earth space. The measurement problem of ELF weak magnetic fields caused by ionosphere phenomena and connected with solar activity influence on Earth space is of great interest for both scientific and practical applications. The study of magnetic field influence on water is very important for magnitobiology, water physics, as well as for solar-earth connections and solar activity influence on biosphere and noosphere. From a practical standpoint this problem is very important for determination of ELF wave influence on space radio channels parameters for aerospace information system.


information and telecommunication technologies, sensors, electroconductivity, magnetic field


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