Interpretation of test results of radar components in the risk assessment of its creation

Radio engineering


Suchkov K. I.

Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mintz, 10-1, str. 8 March, Moscow, 127083, Russia



Methodology of the designing radars developed at JSC RTI based on the interaction of automation systems engineering design and hardware and software experimental base, and design technology — on the interaction of these components. Accumulated long-term experience has allowed RTI to bring this technology to a high level and successfully use it in the design of several generations of radars.

For these purposes RTI developed a stand of General Designer (SGD), which carried out comprehensive tests of the radar component on the stages from the mathematical model to the final production model.

The main task of the SGD is to obtain reliable data on compliance with the current settings of the developed radar component specified functional-parametric matrix. These data are needed to calculate the availability factor on the basis of which the evaluation of the risk of radar is occurred.

Combining tests of virtual and real objects, on the one hand, offers additional opportunities, and on the other — poses new, previously not decide tasks such as:

· Development of an algorithm for converting the measured component radar parameters to availability factors.

· Development of methodology for adaptive data processing of testing radar components.

The calculation of the statistical characteristics of availability factors is proposed to put the labor input, i.e. the effort required to create modules, because labor input is the most convenient for the formalization of the unit. Labor input is complex index, which are objectively related to the budget, can be represented as a function of the qualifications and competence of staff, and at the same time it is convenient to plan and evaluate, and thus receive verified assessment.

Since information on the execution of projects is stored for each radar component, it provides source data for plotting the availability factor of each component depending on time. It is necessary to consider not only the planned labor input across life cycle, but also the values of the initial estimates of effort invested before starting work.

Thus, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the process of creating radar based on a comprehensive risk index, calculated according to the real information of labor input, enables the transition from deterministic valuation of the design process to stochastic planning and resource management that impact on quality indicators of the processes of creation. The high accuracy of the estimates of the current risk of the creation process of radar is achieved through the data about the realized radar component parameters promptly obtained from the stand of General Designer.


radar station, stand of general designer, availability factor, risk, product lifecycle


  1. Boev S.F., Sloka V.K., Rahmanov A.A. Materialy devyatoy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Perspektivnie sistemy i zadachi upravleniya», Taganrog, 2014, pp. — 5-7.

  2. Boev. S.F. Vestnik komp’uternyh I informatsionnyh tekhnologiy, 2014, vol. 8. pp. 3-10.

  3. Boev S.F., Dembitskiy D.N., Petrakov A.M., Pankratov V.A., Kazantsev A.M. Elektronnyi zhurnal «Trudy MAI», 2015, no.80, available at: (accessed 26.03.2015).

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