Fault injection method introduction to analyze the functioning of board backup router

Computing machinery, complexes and computer networks
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: obrekhov@mail.ru
**e-mail: balyanarm@gmail.com
In the board network of aerial vehicles router is a central device that provides interaction with the flight crew, ground crew, board and ground networks. Its main task is to ensure the connection of internetwork and exit to the external network for the crew and passengers, playing the role of a gateway. The default gateway is usually the interface of router. Consequently, the default gateway fault will result in stopping of normal work of network. For the achievement of high-level availability of default gateway redundancy protocols are used. These protocols must provide fault-tolerant connection nodes of intranet with a default gateway and, accordingly, to provide a reliable exit in an external network. An important task is to test and analyze the functioning of the protocol. In this paper, HSRP protocol is examined, because it was the basis for development of other first-hop redundancy protocols such as VRRP, CARP.
HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol) — the main task and purpose of this protocol is the achievement of high-level availability and fault tolerance of default gateway. In this paper, the fault injection technique approach is proposed for the analysis of protocol functioning. The basis of this approach is the imitation of an additional router in HSRP group, for the realization of different scenarios of faults. Therefore, faults are injected in HSRP group and protocol’s behavior is analyzed under their influence. Possible refuses in the system and methods of their injection are considered, the experimental analysis of this methodology and protocol is realized under influence of failures and faults.
As a result of the done work is noted, that this methodology meets the requirements, namely: does not depend on the operating system, does not change settings and parameters of the system, does not depend on the chosen topology, amount of routers and HSRP groups.
fault tolerance, fault injection, protocol HSRPReferences
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