Analysis of emergencies consequences resulted in space-based nuclear power plant reactor ground impact

Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment


Fedorov M. Y.1*, Kraus E. I.2**, Shabalin I. I.2***

1. Company «Red Star», 1а, Elektrolitny proezd, Moscow, 115230, Russia
2. Federal State Budgetary Institute of Science Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4/1, Institutskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia



Implementation of Nuclear Power Sources (NSP), including Nuclear Space Power Plants (NSPP), as onboard sources of electric power at space crafts (SC) requires nuclear and radiation safety assurance of such systems. Among other issues, it is required to assess a state of the nuclear reactor and its radioactive materials after emergencies related to an impact effect on construction.

The paper considers consequences of emergencies related to NSPP’s nuclear reactor ground impact. Emergencies occur due to failures of rocket carrier stages or unsanctioned NSPP exit from a nuclear safe orbit, such as NSPP collision with space debris (SD) fragments. Consequently, the NSPS’s nuclear reactor or its burnt section, containing an active zone (AZ), may fall down to the Earth surface.

2D model numerical experiments allow gaining a state of the reactor after an impact interaction with three types of surfaces (hard — granite, semi-hard — sandstone, water), draw conclusions on a radiation hazard level of the destroyed object, and then foresee measures for mitigation of radiation accident consequences.

Studies of consequences of reactor ground impact include the following stages:

— Development of a geometric model adequate to a calculation method;

— Calculation of shock-wave process parameters using special software developed;

— Analysis and interpretation of the obtained results in terms of radiation hazard.

On studying the reactor destruction process during the impact in 2D formulation we consider several models resulting from intrinsic properties, namely: cylinder models representing the cross section of the reactor, and two-dimensional model.

Geometric models of the reactor, developed according to the principles given in the paper and considered in the aggregate allow assessing the hazard of the destroyed object and a state of its nuclear material with a high degree of confidence.

Numerical modeling of the ground impact demonstrates that a destroyed AZ will be in undercritical state in all cases due to separation of the neutron-reflecting block and presence of safety bars containing Boron-10.


nuclear space power plants, safety, emergencies, space debris, impact, radiation consequences


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