Influence of form rolling wave on a rectangular plate sound insulation properties of complex structure

Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment


Lokteva N. A.1*, Serdyuk D. O.1**, Tarlakovsky D. V.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Institute of Mechanics Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Michurinsky prospect, Moscow, 119192, Russia



Currently, the level and dynamics of development of new advanced aircrafts are making increasingly high demands on the degree of increase in noise and vibration protection. The same problems arise in other areas of new technology (machinery, transportation, automotive, and others.), Where it is necessary to ensure effective shumovibroizolyatsiyu.

In recent years, all these industries there a growing interest in the use of new functional materials that allow to obtain the desired level of noise and vibration protection design elements created by the organization of the right kind of their internal structure. This leads to the need to develop new sophisticated mathematical models to describe the behavior of structural elements taking into account the peculiarities of their structure. One such model used in this study.


This paper investigates the sound insulation properties of a rectangular plate, surrounded on both sides of the acoustic environment. The plate has a complicated three-layer structure (bearing layers elastic isotropic and anisotropic filler). Variants of the impact on the flat plate, cylindrical or spherical harmonic waves. For solutions used decomposition unknown functions in trigonometric series.

The purpose of work is to develop an analytical method for determining the absorption coefficient of sandwich plate in the acoustic environment, and the definition of its sound insulation index depending on the type and frequency of the incoming wave.


To solve the problem of the analytical methods used, which are based on the description of the occurrence of wave processes in various media via wave equations.


A method for modeling the process of absorption of vibrations in the audio range for different parameters of the plate and different types of waves, affecting the barrier. This method can be used in the problems of choice of optimum parameters of three-layer absorber.

Practical implications

The practical value lies in the fact that the evaluation methods obtained sound-insulating properties of the sandwich plate by reacting it with a different shape and frequency of wave action.

The resulting methodology allows the design of effective sound-absorbing barrier in the acoustic environment in the frequency band of interest impinging sound waves.


In this paper, based on the analysis of the interaction of elastic wave plate, a model of the elastic wave passing through a three-layer orthotropic plate with soft filler and symmetrical structure in the thickness.

We study the effect of the geometry of the incoming sound wave in the sound insulating properties of three-layer barriers.


soundproofing, honeycomb, sandwich plates, cross-compression, trigonometric series


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