Results forming scheme and technical solutions advanced spacecraft for the delivery and functioning lunar rover

Rocket and space engineering


Kraynov A. M.*, Vorontsov V. A.**

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



The purpose of this work is the formation and selection of scheme and technical solutions (STS) spacecraft (SC) for the delivery and functioning of perspective lunar rover (LR) so that the weight of the transported payload LR was the highest.

At the first stage of the work carried out analysis of the components of the spacecraft systems with LR at various stages of functioning, analysis of the influence of their construction schemes on the total weight. When choosing STS system components SC with LR significantly affects the mass of opportunity of integration of systems, also it is necessary to take into account their interdependence.

In the second phase of the selected STS perspective spacecraft with LR as an element of the space complex of the domestic program of lunar exploration. In order to reduce the time and cost to develop considered the opportunity of use the developed landing platform (LP) spacecraft «Luna-Resource/1P» to deliver a perspective lunar rover. The problem is reduced to the determination of volume of necessary adaptation LP and development mobile platform LR to provide the maximum possible mass transported payload. In solving the problem have been chosen:

— arrangement of LR on the LP;

— volume of the necessary adaptation LR;

— options for creating service and special systems LP and LR.

The result of the work performed are STS perspective SC with LR to provide the maximum possible mass transported payload as well as the tools and methodology for the formation and selection STS any other spacecraft for the delivery and functioning planetary rovers.


spacecraft, landing platform, lunar rover, scheme and technical solutions


  1. Ilyin A. Novosti kosmonavtiki, 2013, no.12, pp. 48-52.

  2. Vorontsov V.А., Krainov A.M. Materialy XVIII mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii «Sistemnyi analiz, upravlenie i navigatsiya», Evpatoria, 2013, pp.37.

  3. Vorontsov V.А., Krainov A.M.. Materialy XXXVIII Akademicheskikh chtenii po kosmonavtike, posvyashchennye pamyati akademika S.P. Koroleva. «Korolevskie chteniya», Moscow, 2014, pp. 245.

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